Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hope you are always at the highest momentum of performing amal in this Ramadan kareem.

Have you ever experienced in school having a day or maybe many days, when you enter your classroom, you feel demotivated, low spirit, tired and etc? If yes, then you are normal. But maybe of us may say no! Maybe you claim that you have really clear vision and goals why you go to school which caused you having no time to have this kind of feeling. Subhanallah! May Allah bless you with the spirit~

I admit, it is natural for a human to easily feel bored when it comes to living in a same situation or going to the same place everyday. Yes, that is why Islam teaches us to always have transformation in our life, or we call it hijrah.. And yes, in this holy month of Ramadan, we are also encouraged to transform our iman to reach what we call TAQWA! An easy word to say and spell, but to have it in ourselves, we need to have great faith, efforts, sacrifices and doa. With that, insyaAllah! May this new blog give new injection of hamasah for me to keep writing~ Yeah, really true that I am not a good writer but without  practice, how would improvement come? Most important is may we get benefits from this blog. You can leave any comments if necessary.

Rasulullah says in a hadith:
"The best among you human are those who give benefits to others"

*May Allah give consistent strength for me to be istiqamah in writing, insyaAllah..


Alhamdulillah Allah still give me the opportunity to breath in the air of ramadan~

while packing,
living room

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